
Recent Courses

Other Courses

Teaching is one of the most enjoyable things for me at Ohio State. In the past, I mainly taught courses related to computer graphics and visualization. Occasionally, I taught other related courses such as numerical methods. Below is a list of courses that I have taught at the Ohio State. Detailed information can be found by following the links.

CSE 581: Interactive Computer Graphics

This is our entry level undergraduate computer graphics course. We focus on OpenGL programming and basic computer graphics concepts.

CSE 681: Introduction to Computer Graphics

This is our entry level graduate computer graphics course. We focus on building a ray tracer and basic algorithms for global illuminations.

CSE 781: Introduction to 3D Image Generation

This is our real time graphics class. Students will learn how to use advanced OpenGL programming including shaders to implement advanced graphics effects.

CSE 788: Advanced Research Course

Every other year, I teach an advanced research course that cover important research topics in visualization and data analysis research.

CSE 541: Elementary Numerical Methods

This is our undergraduate numerical methods course. We cover topics such as root finding, interpolation, numerical differentiation and integration, and linear systems.